Real Ways to Earn Money The Only Database for Earning Money Online In 2012

  1. Real Ways to Earn Money Online.

    “For Anyone Who Want’s To Work From Home, Or Anyone Who Loves 
    Reading & Learning About Business As A Whole Has A Lot To Gain From This Blog: For Online Work of Any Kind In 2012; there is no where else to look but HERE..“
    Kelly, writer of Kelly Speechless.

    Email Details:

    TO: To the writer and owner of where I read the this link: Answering Questions – Paid Experts

    ABOUT: The Format for this message is based on freely speaking tone without professional voice in order to be as real with you as you are to your readers.

    Anna the author of the blog:Real Ways to Earn Money Online and, Extra Cash and Rewards is someone who deserves a little more than the email below so I decided to post it up on my blog in the hopes that others will check out her blog and find it a key portal point bookmark, for business arenas in every facet.

    September 20, 2012, My email to the writer of the blog,

    Dear Anna,

    As a business enthusiast and lover of all things “making money,” I learned a lot from your site even though working at home is more of an extra optional gig. Thanks for being such an inspiration among business women who provide high quality with their claim to do so. Business and evolving the mind to encompass more capacity to learn comes in many forms and this is one that got my attention.

    Overall…I Just wanted to send you my very sincere thanks and appreciation for having such an extended database of home option’s for people. People working outside the home and those who already work at home need an extensive database and you provide one. There are scours of searches for a website such as yours that have options detailed in a database with a separate site for work at home JOB’s and EARNING EXTRA MONEY. The job listings and options for earning in your free time or down time come with concrete reviews. You care and most of all offer people a chance to have one of these positions which could lead to a career that they never thought possible. (I am sure this has happened from viewing your work and website).

    I am currently in, “Looking for other opportunities like crazy mode due to honestly, a gut feeling and obsession with making money. I also love to see what is out there in the business world especially the internet. I have been doing this search/read/seize/forum/ exploration of all things money and online for year. Just recently I began focusing my research on work at home positions pushing that as the main objective.

    In the past six months of doing this there is not one better option or guide than your blog hands down. If you were ever worried about paying it forward, I am here to tell you that your time is up and you paid it a long time ago. I am putting you on my list of inspiring women for a blog post coming up here: Kelly Speechless if you want to look out for it or I will email you the link when it’s done.

    This is my personal blog and is not reflective of work or serious areas just something that has turned into a place that people like to go to without a motive. Thanks again, and I would love to keep this connection and pass information applicable to each other in the future if the situation comes up. It’s always inspiring to see a woman who is smart and most of all has a plethora of good information to back up her obvious intelligence. As a 27-year-old female I can say I have learned more about business as a whole without even directly thinking “work at home,” than I have in a while. This information shows us a lot about the industry of online well..consumer driven life. I also like how you chose your reviews to be worthy of one, but hold your tongue when you feel someone else might love or benefit from something that you think isn’t for you.

    You send a good message to other women by doing this: You indicate that some companies or your longevity with them, should depend of what they do for you. You give people here the option to do trial and error quickly to see what fits for them.


    This didn’t mean to be a life story/essay/a narrative lol.. Also, after reading this message you aren’t weird-ed out in any way or think My continued thanks to your presence online as a women who knows her shit. Excuse the language but my there is not better sounding way that says it.

    Thanks again,




    Related articles: The Link’s Below Don’t Compare To The Database included within:

    Here are some articles below to compare to to see the HUGE difference in information available. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND COMMENT.


When Your Ready To Get The Drama Out of Your Life…..

Speed-Dating theatrical poster


Isn’t It Time to get the Drama out of your Life? Relationships can be hard and confusing for everyone at times. Sometimes talking to friends and family about your relationship issues isn’t enough.Having the option to talk to someone who is fully invested in helping solve your problems is very beneficial. I can be your voice of reason, the mouse in your pocket, and the person in your corner.I am a real person, who gives real advice. I never sugar coat the situation or judge anyone.I will always tell the truth. I will never just tell you something to make you happy if it doesn’t help you.Feeling comfortable, and talking to someone you can relate to; is what I strive to give my clients.Above all, my relationship advice is truly one of a kind.

Degrees and Qualifications:

Relationship Advice Expert and Advisor.•Psychology Degree•Relationship Advice Columnist.•Contributed many relationship advice articles to numerous websites,


Helping people solve problems that effect your emotional well being is my passion. It makes me feel amazing when I can make any part of someone’s life a little bit easier.Experienced and Completed Areas of Study:•Psychology.•Sociology.•Human Sexuality.•Behavioral Studies.•Communication.I can help you conquer a variety of relationship issues including:

•Dating•Cheating•Infidelity•Intimacy Issues

•Long Distance Relationships•Marriage•Divorce



•Relationship changes


•Relationship guilt•Improving relationship quality•Love

•Friendships Before you accept your relationship diagnosis; get a second opinion from me.

If you were diagnosed with a medical problem, wouldn’t you get a second opinion?

I have experience helping people in every age group and from all walks of life.

I can’t wait to start helping you discover what you need in your relationship, how to get it, and the reasons why you deserve all of it.

Breakup’s Cheating Confessions Dating Divorce Exes Friendships Love Guidance Mixed Signals New Relationships Real Advice Relationship Advice Relationship Changes Renewing Relationships


Professional Counseling > Relationships

Professional Counseling > Relationship Coaching

Professional Counseling > Sexual Health & Education


Marriage Is Not For Anyone In 2012.

Cover of "The Laws of Marriage (and Divor...

Cover via Amazon

Dear Diary,

Marriage can seriously take you to the poor house.

Marriage is not enticing when compared to cold hard saved cash. Sorry about the typo’s original creativity will be the excuse with this one.

Receiving financial aid depends upon your marriage as well.

You better look up how much your financial aid will be reduced (it will) or if you will even qualify, depending on how you file you application.

I never wanted the white veil or played the bride in dress up clothing with my friends. I thought hot pink was so much more enticing on a theoretically sense than white and I liked to write stories much better than playing the ones fairy tales immolate. I love Disney and no it’s wrong but that still doesn’t mean I followed the notions. I don’t want to get married because in my opinion: 1. Marriage is a big deal and should be respected. If I don’t full and whole heatedly want to get married than I am taking advantage of that right. 2. I am in a 7 year relationship and told him day


Rita and John's Marriage Certificate

Rita and John’s Marriage Certificate (Photo credit: mary hodder)

Does your partner have debt? How much? Do you know that is the truth?

Does he have any debt taken out of his income? Guess who else will soon if you get married without checking this out..YOU…nothing kills a marriage like pay deductions automatically for shit you didn’t even do.

  •  My boyfriend now looks back and say’s that he is glad today we didn’t or “haven’t yet.
  •  Hey ladies, how much of your income automatically does your husband
    automatically have ownership of in your state? What percentage? LOOK.
  • We have debt and together we would have way to much debt and he didn’t want me to take it on. Its better that one of us have good credit. Also we don’t fight about money.
  •  I don’t want the wedding. In my opinion brides look like this happiness is almost a celebrity for a day parade and not a civil union. While this isn’t pertaining to everyone, I don’t understand or find it appealing.
  • Your wedding should be one that can be afforded without supplementing the stability of your:

    Living area

    = Credit Score = Debt = Limited Living Options = More money overtime.

    Education: Expenses or more money you will have to put up due to marriage and aid lower.

    Loans: Wedding made you deep in debt both you own debt – both of you = 1 Mess.

  • The laws of marriage don’t recognize equal rights. I don’t sign anything that gives more of my freedom as a woman away. If you don’t get this Google: Women’s Pay While Married and Taxes until you find out.
  • Marriage is bad for me because my gut the same thing that makes me begin to run if being chased says it’s not good now or ever.
  •  I am married “allegedly,” (this does not formally claim or presume marriage due to its opinion based ) by the laws of my state with common law. I can legally get a divorce if we broke up. It’s not in the record books and I didn’t get to pretend I was a virgin or register at bed bath and beyond but still legally I can claim or act out those rights if I wanted or he wanted. (this is not a admittance or announcement)
  • I keep putting reminders in parenthesis because even my words on here can be proof of common law marriage unless supported by something written like I put in parenthesis. Overall, marriage is great for people who know why they want it, want it and are prepared enough to do the easy things in the beginning to protect their future. People makes mistakes but again, trading shelter and financial security which all hurt marriages for a party is not an easy learning mistake.

Lastly, not considering or creating a plan to avoid these above issues as best as you can
if you decide to get married anyway, makes your divorce rate 77% versus the current 55%
If this is your second marriage 23% for no plan and 29% with a plan.

And I didn’t even get to having kids yet. I love my guy to much to not shoot for at least
surpassing the 55% rate and will get married when I am apparentlyy rich.
This is my life goal lucky me I suppose.

So since I am that driven maybe I will get married.

  1. Rich to me is avoiding all of the above. ‘
  2. What I have times three in savings,
  3. two years emergency fund,
  4. and a driver.



Money doesn’t make you happy but it makes you have the option to bitch in a nice place with a guaranteed way your miserable ass will eat, and pay for your bills.

Until Debt Do Us Part

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How do I deal with my girlfriends Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

injection for birth control (Depo Provera)Image via Wikipedia

I give advice to a young man trying to save his relationship. His girlfriend has body dysmorphic disorder. The disorder is a very serious psychological condition. The boyfriend is desperate to help his girlfriend get better, and keep their relationship as strong as possible.


My girlfriend and I have been together for five years. Two years ago her personality began to change. She went to many doctors to try to cure what she thought was social anxiety and depression. She was finally diagnosed about a year ago. My girlfriend has a serious case of BDD (body dysmorphic disorder).
BDD is a disorder where the person affected focuses their whole life on ridiculing their physical appearance. People who have this disorder have high paranoia and anxiety. They don’t complain verbally too much about the issues they have with their physical appearance; they mostly shut down and act very weird. My girl friend won’t leave the house unless extremely necessary. She is a beautiful girl, and I don’t know why she thinks she is repulsive. She said before she started having symptoms she had normal insecurities like every other woman; but now those thoughts have become completely out of control.
I don’t know if I can hang on much longer. I love her so much. What do I do? I just want to help her. I can’t believe the thought of leaving has even crossed my mind, when I know she has a disorder that she can’t help.

My Advice:

First of all, I am so sorry this has happened to you and your girlfriend. Unfortunately, the mind is a very powerful thing. Sometimes the brain gets triggered and veers toward the wrong path. Disorders and conditions like the one your girlfriend has could happen to any one of us.  I am going to give you the best advice I can.
Become an Expert:
I know you have probably researched her disorder thoroughly, but research more. Don’t use the information to try to talk to her about it. Use it to be current and updated on your knowledge of the disorder. Remember, your girlfriend is sick. Sick people don’t perform or internalize research as proficiently as healthy individuals. Also, if she is taking any type of medication I would research that too. Then I would investigate the other kinds of medication used to treat BDD. I would also research herbal remedies and supplements that help balance chemicals within the brain. Research the best diets for people with psychological issues and see how you could implement some of those things into her diet. Lastly, if she is taking birth control, I would suggest she switch the kind or type she is taking. Even if this doesn’t help at least you can eliminate it from the list of possibilities to explore. If she is taking the birth control shot, for example; that form of birth control has been known to effect some people negatively due to side effects. Some people who have had the birth control shot reported a complete change in their mood  and psychological behavior.  One would assume that some people have negative side effects from the birth control shot because they receive a large amount of hormone’s from the medication at one time. A substantial amount of hormones injected into the body in one sitting has the potential to create problems.
Remember She is Sick:
I know without seeing someone listless and pale in a hospital bed, some people tend to forget that someone with a mental issue can be just as sick as someone with a physical issue. Your already doing a good job by trying to be there for her as much as you can. Do you talk to her parents? Having a good open line of communication with them is very important. Like you addressed in your question, you just need to remind yourself that this is something she can’t help. Sometimes with psychological disorders, people who are affected will have good days and bad days. Just because she is up one day and down the next,doesn’t mean she is faking her disorder or using her problems as a crutch.
You Still Have To Act Like Her Boyfriend:
If you begin to act like her caregiver she will resent you. Just because she is sick doesn’t mean she doesn’t want you to change your behavior towards her. Don’t stop laughing with her, and romancing her because then she will feel more detached from her old self. If you act like your constantly anticipating for her act out emotionally, then she will interpret that as you have given up on her getting well. Don’t walk around on egg shells when your together. After a while she will feel extremely guilty about what strain she is putting on you, which will only elevate her anxiety. I know this is a lot to take on, but the best thing you can do for her is to be yourself. Don’t overly compliment her or abstain from commenting positively about her appearance. Keep up your normal routine in the relationship that was present before she was sick.
Hang On:
Every time you feel like you can’t take it any more try to hold on just a little bit longer. People can recover from BDD, and there is no reason to give up hope on her. I hope she is in some type of counseling program to further assist her recovery, because overcoming psychological disorders takes a lot of work. Make sure you also take the necessary steps to be as happy as you personally can. Your no good to her if you become depressed or lethargic due to the stress this situation has caused you. Don’t stop participating in your normal activities, because you will find your self more stressed when your around her. I wish you and your girlfriend the best. By the way, if you are a spiritual person or attached to some type of religion, this would be a good time to seek guidance from a member of your church or religious dwelling. Good luck, and I hope your girlfriend is on her way to a full recovery.

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This Need’s To Be Included In a Business Success Book Geared Towards Women.

LinkedIn Comment I left when prompted about about what women need to have in a book about women and business.


Image representing LinkedIn as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase


 A Need To Know Basis: Outfit Optional.


These topics below might not relate to your objective but from a personal standpoint I find these areas so overlooked and important. Thanks. You might see a typo or two because I had to do this in a hurry but wanted to make sure I posted it.


Personal finance, the stock market, and politics mixed with current events are in need of a quickie or full education.


If any women feels not knowledgeable enough to answer a trivia question (example: shows in which a microphone appears in a women s face and when she asked who the president is or any other question that should be obvious-she doesn’t have the answer or knows only what the answer rhymes with).


I will explain: Even though you might consider your financial status one not in need of a full financial plan or an understanding of all things, “personal finance,” you are making a big mistake by overlooking this topic. There are so many women out there who don’t know about money-and these women are a lot of the time – smart women, educated women, women who study business-anyone can make this mistake.


I was the poster child for thinking I didn’t need to know these things because they didn’t effect me or effect me yet. I also felt that since I was educated and well versed on many other things I kind of did my share of being, “well informed,” in some way that made me sleep well not knowing what was going on in the world or in the banks I put my money into. At 23 I nipped this in the bud and now at 27, it’s scary to think I was living without so many options, and making so many mistakes just by not thinking I needed to know about these topics.


The stock market-Even if you are never going to invest a dime in your life, or hate the stock market-you need to have an understanding of the market, and have a good understanding of your options if you were to invest. I was guilty at 22 when I realized that I always ignored the CNN channel if stocks were discussed (a lot CNN). I asked myself why, and I felt that the subject just bored me. WRONG. I thought again. I didn’t want to watch or stay updated on the stock market because I didn’t feel as a woman I needed to know that area. The Iphany led me to reading a lot of books, making an elective course swap, and the results were staggering. Just ignoring the stock market had let me out of the loop on so many things not, “stock quote,” related.


Politics and Current Events: As we might have discovered about this upcoming election there might be some voters who are enticed to flip a coin for their vote. Knowing what is going on with politics and our world is vital even if you never pick status of political standing. It’s not about knowing to participate (even though of course  we should) it’s about understanding the world around us and having more confidence.


Overall, it’s ok to want to look good, watch junk on TV, or exude any other activity that doesn’t say, “smart and savvy.” AS LONG AS YOUR WALKING AROUND WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF CATEGORIES LIKE I MENTIONED ABOVE. You don’t have to execute a decision based on your knowledge of: finance, the stock market, current events, or politics=but it’s so important to know about these things.


Lastly, I am still learning and don’t have a stock investment success story, a new supporter of BLANK party story, or a story about how if I didn’t know about current events that day I would have died story. I am a work in progress, who happens to feel so much more confidence, and benefit everyday from having a good understanding of the issues above.


Again, was in a hurry sorry for any typos if there are any.


(this information above was written for the purpose of the person who posed the question to use or interpret my written material. Rights Reserved won’t reflect her use or any other members of LinkedIn and the group where this was posted with the same copyright. IN OTHER WORD’S-The text above is not under my copyrighted indication and free to use for LinkedIn members).





Makemebark graphic artist is interview on Kelly-speechless.BlogSpot by the author of



A 21 year old female on,

is giving superlative wake up call that we forgot about the art part of graphics. There it is! Now I finally care or remember why graphics are not remembered but graphic ART pulls at your eyes and deep through her principle’s and small goose bumps form and we say, “Oh damn that is art!” makemebark is the pretty graphic darling of, graphic artist who gave the term, “graphics,” a backseat to integrate real art into what makes her truly a girl on the rise.


piecestrigger your emotions, tug at your heart, and the smile creep’s up on your face in the same way music or writing reminds us of ourselves again.”

Makemebark knows graphics perfectly with precision but she knows artist better. Her artist comes from where my writing comes from and musicians feel there heat: THOSE GOOSE BUMPS and shake of life where you can’t help but smile or cry, or wish or have hope, or be angry comes from.

Art within graphics. I forgot about what graphics and what it means to combine those skills into real art. Now I remember.



Make Me Bark’s art tells the story, and says what you wanted the picture to say and you didn’t even know it. Every girl or woman hears that song where they picture themselves walking, hair blowing and wearing an attitude that says, almost the complete lyrics of, “holler back girl,” by Gwen Stefani. Look below and you instantly hear, “Isn’t no holler back girl.” This time though instead of your mirror you look at yourself and the music starts to play.

Usually graphics we understand to be art are so visible and concrete we forget about the “artist,” title. I am not knocking other graphic artist’s but when I observed this girl’s work I said to myself, “I finally saw it! Art within graphics. I forgot about what graphics and what it means to combine those skills into real art. Now I remember. Get yours @




Don’t wait to long to get $5 for a piece created by this girl. She is only going up and this might be your last chance. I also found out, that makemebark is sweet, genuine, business savvy  and talented, she is going up and is only the beginning for her. Pop art is slowly turning into a new dynamic and makemebark brings a touch of what you want to see in yourself. What other service has the ability to make you look good for $100 let alone $5? While makemebark is humble and a graphic darling. My opinion remains that before you know it, you will be lucky to get one hundred dollars for an original from this girl.

She conveys through her art, that she “see’s,” people. Just as a writer, or musician feels the emotion from their work and feels the voice they read and write, this artist can feel your presence and takes out the best features while, “popping,” them into place and the person in the photo gets to speak for the first time. Every photo speaks but makemebark is taunting and teaching us all that her taunt “makemebark,” only “speaks,” through her artwork that conveys her inner love for what people feel. She shows intimacy between couples with sincere careful objective tenderness and can even pick up what quirks or raw beauty in her subjects that in a photo would be lost behind the flash.

I love her her pieces that breathe, “I am sexy, smart and in charge I dare you turn away,” good job because we can’t turn away.

Well is the place to be in 2012. Even if you don’t find this website a global integration of young talent worth the five dollar risk, one thing is for sure-talent exists within these $5 gigs offered for quick express submission, nice service and above all-on the surface there are a few talented artists, writers, and honest individuals not just trying to make a buck but trying to let the world see that there is still beauty in unique creative influence and above all shows everyone how business and demand are not a dream away if your product is getting buzz; a lot of Buzz.

IN MY OPINION SHE IS THE SHIT! LOOK AT THE RED LIPS AND THIS GIRL’S SPUNK. SHE GOT TO SPEAK THROUGH THIS IMAGE. IT’S CUTE BUT ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU CRY IT’S SO GOOD.I saw something in this girl that really inspired me. At 21, she has got a good future and she is well look….her images speak and make a presence that the photo wanted to say and she found the words and made the picture say, “this is really me.”



That Is All You Need To See Right? Whoo!

KELLY: “What do you remember about yourself as an artist when you were 5 year’s old?”


“I can only remember coloring books at 5, I think I got more into art & graphic design around 10 years old. I learned about website design on the internet at the age of 13 and then slowly developed an interest in Graphic design, and then Illustration. I made a personal website with the help of internet at 13, and also wrote tutorials about how I draw to help other kids my age. It was a great period of time to experiment and sharpen my skills.Right now,21, I am still continuing to learn more about graphic design and illustration and putting my skills to use everyday.”

KELLY: “How do you keep your creativity fresh without making your art feel like work?”


For Fiverr, I’m always determined to meet the buyer’s requirements in the fullest possible way. Sometimes I experiment with new styles on Fiverr, and, “it just makes me excited to do more work and push myself further.”However I do have my bad days where I don’t feel like working at all and it feels like I’m just doing it for the cash, but my boyfriend who is also a graphic designer encourages me a lot on such days, and I always get back on track after a while, when I am finally inspired 🙂


That’s Such An Honest Answer. But go for that cash. You will get it just hang in there. Money doesn’t = happiness but you get to complain in a better place. Plus, you have something that makes money that you can’t buy. Go for that cash always because you deserve it. If you didn’t I wouldn’t say any  of that but keep going you will see the green soon enough. “You deserve the cash and will get more as time goes on.  Don’t settle with your work!” This isn’t a lesson I know you already know, but just in case always remember,

KELLY KEEPS GOING What’s New: It is what it is: your good.  So, as you continue you have to watch out for people who need therapy and are going to pop up all of the sudden, “I call them piranha’s or the, “I don’t knows.” Tell anyone new or old and sketchy to get the blank away and thanks but no thanks. People sometimes smell others happiness and get really weird: IE-there crazy comes out. You and your boyfriend need to make sure those weirdo’s (family or not) back off as you get happier. It will save everything including your sanity. Sorry about below but had to do it:

Dear MakeMeBark’s Boyfriend: Your doing a good job. Keep it up. Don’t forget your girlfriend is going to make the big $$$ soon and steadily which means a bunch of losers are going to pop up and try to make the happy hard working couple feel or think there not. You know? Loser’s that show up when someone wins the lottery kind of? Anyway keep those blood suckers away from you two. This sounds crazy but when two good looking smart talented people who are good looking are happy-sometimes you meet more crazies. Got it? Good. Listen to your gut too. If a person who is sketchy pops up tell them where to go! Congratulations’ on the wedding! You obviously love her. Even her few words about you made me feel that. So keep it up she has a good man because she won’t put up with any shit! She is a sweet girl but I can see it deep down. So you two both be good and tell any outside influences to blank off ok? Thanks for listening.   I know this is none of my business but this is my blog and if you read some it you’ll find this kind of behavior pretty normal. Stick with it buster!

KELLY: Sorry about that. Couldn’t help myself! You have a smart boyfriend, he knows a good thing and wants to protect him. Tell him he better keep behaving, and you to as well!

KELLY: What do you love about using Fiverr?


I absolutely love the idea of Fiverr because I have had such bad experiences with clients and employers in my country Maldives. Illustration and graphic design is not appreciated much where I live and it’s very hard that sometimes work gets dragged way too long and there is very little appreciation for it. Whereas on Fiverr, I can meet so many different clients everyday, from all around the world, and it’s so easy to communicate. If a client is unhappy with my work, I always make sure to compensate them by making a new option from scratch and usually they show appreciation towards my efforts. This is also a great challenge, and I also love that I can earn so much by doing something I love to do. I hope to use all my Fiverr revenues for my wedding this upcoming August!:)

KELLY: Thank you so much and congratulations on your wedding!  At 21,  I am sure you know this already, know this but I didn’t so this is just a reminder:  go with your gut always and get rid of people anyone who is toxic in your life. They will keep showing up as long as you do good, and your going to happy so as long as you and your man stick together your golden. LOOK AT THE LINKS BELOW TO PICK WHAT KIND OF PIC WHAT YOU WANT. I WOULD REPLAY THE SONG. I AM GOING TO RIGHT NOW. GO PLAY THE SONG! OK GOOD. Just do it scroll to the top and play it. IF you’re a guy wow hello we usually don’t see you around here you don’t have to press play OK HERE WE GO!





My submission chosen by editors of The Barker’s Voice!

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Stuffed Animal Suicide Tea Party
Kelly Sowell
My father was a traveling sports writer and didn’t make very much money. I couldn’t knock my dad for taking so much work. The traveling part is what kept him away from my mother, and divorcing her was a risk even I wouldn’t be willing to take. I came to understand at an early age that how I learned to tie my shoes wasn’t going to be the only thing I would have to do on my own. My mother called these neglectful acts “social experiments.”
“But Mom, how are they social if I am doing the experiments alone?” I turned my head to the side looking up at her with eyes of very limited innocence left.
“Well it’s social because you’re…using society as your compass but your integrity to make the end decision.”
“Like telling on Melissa when she eats her hair at nap time?” I blurted out, still following each word she spoke with a plan for a full sentence.
“No, like deciding to take a taxi home instead of getting a ride from a nice-smelling young man when his wife is not around, or finding a way to get something for free before you try and steal it.”
From the beginning I knew I was screwed. My parents have spoken to me like an adult since the age of four. My grandfather died before I was born and left my mother a very large inheritance. My father always told me that before my mom got the money, she was just a quiet southern belle who wasn’t very interested in material things. The mother I came to know walked around our house like it was a palace and smoked cigarettes from a long, jewel-covered, formal cigarette holder. She also never left her bedroom without a fur coat on, even in the summer. My father says my mother was born in Alabama and, before the money, used to have a soft southern drawl. The mother I came to know had some kind of European accent with no specific origin. I think she just takes every haughty accent she had ever heard in the movies and mixes them all together to make her own. I think my mother believes she looks like the late princess Diana and sounds like Mary Poppins. To me she looks like Cruella DeVille on crack and sounds like Julia Child. When my mother bought me a golden retriever puppy for my seventh birthday, I thought my loneliness would disappear. Six weeks later I came home from school and couldn’t find my new best friend.
“Uh, mom?” I said, closing my eyes as tight as they could shut.
“Yes, darling.”
“Where’s the dog?” I asked her, holding my breath.
“Well I am sorry plum-cake, but that little beast was frolicking with my Begonia bush. I sent the dog away to run around on a farm in the country.” My mom smiled at me, revealing her blindingly over-bleached teeth and brought a small cup to her mouth while pretending to sip. She put the cup down and it clanked on the gleaming silver tray below it.
“Would you like some tea dear?” I moved toward her and looked down to see my disappointed reflection bounce off the base of the shiny teacup set.
“No thanks. I’ll pass,” I said too loud.
“Well, I hope you like the tea set I just got you as a new gift to replace that varmint who eats flowers.”
I smiled with my teeth clenched and grabbed the cold silver handles on either side of the tray. I lugged it all the way upstairs, then into my room and placed it on my small pink table. I set the table by placing a tea cup in front of each chair and stood up to marvel at the ridiculousness of the situation.
When I heard the garage door open, I knew that was my mother’s way of telling me she was leaving.
Sometimes I would get lucky enough to run after her before she sped off, but I stopped because she would pretend to not see me anyway. I ran downstairs to the hallway closet where my Dad kept his clothes. I stood on my tippy toes to unhook some of his ties and ran back into my room. I took five of my least favorite stuffed animals and tied their necks to the back of each pink chair, propping them up into a sitting position. I stood back and looked at my stuffed animal suicide tea party. I left them there for three months before my Mom noticed.
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Eagles Flight
Painting: Marinna Matta, Eagles Flight, 2012, mixed media
Copyright © 2012 | The Barker’s Voice: A Journal of Arts and Letters
9191 Barker Cypress | CASA 225K| Cypress, TX 77433

Why Society Wants Pretty Girls Separate From Politics.

 IF YOU HAVE EVER TOLD YOURSELF AS A WOMAN, “What Is the Point? I Don’t Care About Politics. Its a guy thing.” Then please read this article. Whether you don’t like politics or don’t care enough about them to even decide if you like them or not you still need to have enough knowledge to know WHY you don’t. Society is allowing the conscious inside of the minds of women to be to comfortable with the understanding that they lack political knowledge and understanding. 

“I Am Going To Be Less of A Person If I Don’t Take Political and Financial Knowledge  Seriously.”

Why we don’t care sometimes….

Daddy Complex
Under a similar principle reflected in any government textbook’s assessment pertaining too parental political views and their effect on children I consider myself to fit into that observation.  Although, within our text it does note that not all children make up their early or adult minds upon what their parents lived, but in my case, it did.
 My father was a single dad and took care of myself and my twin sisters while balancing a career.  He did not even date until all three of us were eighteen years old and has remained my hero from days one through this day In my mind anything that he believed in or made up his mind on when it came to an area that I didn’t not either care to take a liking too or a social issues period, “what dad thought,” was good enough for me.  Although I trusted his judgment, I misconstrued this reliance by allowing it to become a barrier of not learning enough about our political system earlier in my life.  The reliance on a trusted or even expert type source should not separate your full knowledge and ability to make your own judgment or observation.  Concluding those molded opinions’, thoughts, and beliefs have to be your own and incorporate a journey to be considered a view.
Epiphany/HELLO!/Social Media Victim/Should Have Known Better.
About five at the age of twenty, I read a book that changed my life.  This book detailed and outlined the shear disservice women do to themselves by not engaging in a deeper knowledge of politics, financial options, and other arenas that are subconsciously shut off or statistically off put to females in terms of peeking interest for self-discovery.  After this epiphany I opened my first IRA, started watching the news, CNN and have a new found respect for the college education system of Texas, for making government class in two parts; mandatory for any type of graduation.  Before I was around twenty years old, I was still a republican by voter’s principles; being that I was registered and actively voting for the presidential candidate by ballot.  I could and did execute my right to vote while still being clueless about politics.  I would always silently fear being confronted with a camera crew and microphone on the street and be asked (for example) “Name the first five presidents!”  At the time, I would not be able to and I would possibly be another representation of the embarrassment of being ousted for not taking our civil duty and rights seriously.  By the way: The first five presidents of the United States and their terms of office :George Washington, 1789-1797, John Adams, 1797-1801, Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809, James Madison, 1809-1817, and James Monroe, 1817-1825.  Here is the link I went to verifying my above list of the first five presidents:
Deciding to get my political knowledge in active status instead of pending, I began to open my mind for the first time ready and willing to accept information instead of tuning it out.  Stepping into limbo fresh and new as neither a republican or democrat I embarked on what I assumed was a new party affiliation, this time solely based on my own principals.  That task is one I still have not conquered and even now, I have a hard time affiliating myself as a strong republican or democrat.  The one choice I have made now though, is that I was not to represent by vote or context either Republican of Democrat and not for example label myself as an Independent supporter.
Even leaning towards one side versus the other is a challenge because it seems to me the policies attached to each party seem to fade in and out of representation.  When the public choses their vote based on their stance as a republican or democrat and nothing else they need to make sure their chosen parties principles are being executed more or less than the opposing party. The lines of what it means to be republican or democrat fade and transform every day into exceptions, extending clauses and additions which crack the foundation of their unique principles. I also believe that voting in political elections is a privilege first, a duty second, and a right third. I feel that a person needs to have a true awareness of the outline each candidate represents to make a decision and have it placed on a voting ballot.  I don’t feel I am yet educated enough to call myself someone who is defending their chosen stance in politics on basis of current instances of cause and effect or factual interpretation. I would consider myself non-political but interested and wanting to be a proactive participant in understanding how the world works pertaining to politics through clear lenses instead of rose-colored ones.
Cramming The Night Before Voting Is Never Smart.
            Since the legal voting age of eighteen, I would do a sort of crash course in trying to understand each candidate and their wants and needs through their chosen parties vessel during election season.  I would research about the democratic and republican candidates running for President and Vice President and try to “quickly” understand principles that I should have already known. Every time during my personal crash course I would always run into the same area of confusion. My confusion would always come from one candidate making me feel safe and one would make me feel worried about any kind of power being passed to the other. No matter how much I tried to ignore this gut feeling and keep trying to weigh both candidates, that intense confusion/paranoia always held the ending result of my vote. I am not someone who goes through life on a whim, I just feel that since I was not educated enough to make a decision with a full deck my gut kicked in and made it for me.
 John Kerry Made My Gut Instinct Have the Hiccups.
An example of my fork in the road while weighing two presidential candidates was the political campaign of Senator John Kerry.  Before I explain, I feel as though I should reiterate that my understanding was based on principles not fully grown and utilized to make a fair assumption. Pardon my frankness, but Senator John Kerry in the position as President scared me. For some reason his promises seemed untrustworthy. I can only compare the feeling to those commercials advertising car lots and lawyer services. Your immediate reaction to those types of televised ads is to laugh first and not believe them second. I perceived John Kerry as someone very intelligent in every area of business and his proven success was created by sticking to his mold of dealing with business. He tried to bring his social business practical understanding into the area of politics and should have separated the execution style (no pun intended) for his political campaign and his business affair.
MTV could not Save My Opinion or Make It More Knowledgeable.
To add, during the running of President Bush and Senator John Kerry I was eighteen and would be voting for the first time.  I was actually interested in Senator John Kerry trying to relate to young adults by using MTV as a platform. The program on MTV with Senator John Kerry felt cheesy.  It felt like one of my friends dads trying to be really cool and discipline with open dialogue.  Therefore, really that broadcast and campaigning broadcasts on MTV, maybe it was the whole ketchup thing with his wife that threw me off, but whatever it truly was no matter what policies and programs he was implementing made me run for the hills and settle with President Bush.
Heinz Ketchup: One Example of Why Voters Need to be Educated in Politics.
On a ridiculous note, I love Heinz ketchup but his wife and the whole Heinz ketchup direct tie made me feel weird as well.  There is no good explanation about why the Heinz ketchup dynasty existence within the family represented to me a red flag but it did. President Bush was my only other choice, and for some reason even though I knew that President Bush would not do a stellar job, and basically affirmed that to the public himself during his campaign; his position as president was not anything I was not already used to. That sounds selfish and borderline disingenuous to base my decision solely on gut instinct even with minimal knowledge and understanding but honesty only allows growth. 
Action Only-Or At least Some Action.
            When considering politics and the top three issues that affect the political system I am going to discuss what I believe and not look it up online or from a textbook.  I believe the first issue is the lack of following through with an issue! There seems to be this revolving door of assessing a problem or issue that gets some head way but then gets thrown back into the pile. The issue of global warming for example and its connotation to the American public reminds us of how seriously action has been implemented with it. The force or lack thereof to support it remains in limbo with flashbacks from time to time as a reminder it’s still not been fully recognized as something to finish assessing. The reason many Americans don’t worry about the issue is because they don’t see enough force taken by the government, or enough opposition of the facts to make the public feel a tie to either side. Recognizing a problem or a problem being brought to the attention of the American public ends at acknowledgement and begins with those holding authority to rectify it.  When the government acknowledges the existence of an issue showcased in large way, still shows nothing more than what the public already knows.
New Textbook Editions, New Gas Prices, and no Minimum Wage Vast Change?
Another challenge Americans face that really affects the political system and there gain of public trust is the minimum wage stalemate.  Decades ago this was assumed and proclaimed an ever changing mark that would adjust with the other markets and increased cost of living in the United States. Not stabilizing or firmly asserting the issue to the public has affected every market controlled by the government. It has also always considered an afterthought, and then put away while finding a reason we are allowed to blame for economic problems and the rate of American poverty.
Women Have to Win Somewhere Socially; Because A Pedestal Is High To Fall From.
The third problem that really takes a toile and creates a domino effect in politics and how Americans are supposed to view certain political ties, is the constant “one step forward and three ironic steps back,” when it comes to how women are viewed as a whole.  Sarah Palin was not everyone’s favorite candidate running for vice president. I will also first say that most people did not like her policies or ideals and the fact that she was a woman. With that being said, the coverage of her and how she was portrayed was a societal plan into overkill. Just because she didn’t cut off her hair to match her husbands and was a decent looking woman she was assumed as just another woman deems able to sleep with. Those kinds of women aren’t usually considered smart. Of course this incidence with Sarah Palin was not the only one integrated with this issue. Defining a clear line of what women should be held to in a political sense needs to be defined in some way.  Americans are constantly told too many things to think about women whom effects there run or lack thereof in politics. We are supposed to like women who are beautiful. We are supposed to respect women who are smart. We are supposed to dress more masculine to be taken seriously. Which one is it? The point is that there can be no progression with women and politics on a more consistent level until the government decides how women should be looked at in society or in a position of power. Personally, I think women should dress and look how they want with all of their hair if that is there proactive. Anyone who deems borderline attractive females in any position of power a distraction are either making an excuse or admitting there weaknesses. A close friend of mine who is not at all tied to traditional ideas concerning men and women said something that surprised me. She told me that she feels guilty that she would feel safer with a man running our country than a female. She said she knows it’s not right but she would always feel safer. The American public can’t be blamed for feeling what is individually right or wrong. The components, even the ones ingrained for many years need to be represented in a cohesive manner going forward.
I Am Still Learning.
I chose to address the issues of following through with a public problem or challenge, balancing the minimum pay wage rate, and enforcing a stance to make some kind of decision of how women should be thought of pertaining to politics and positions of power.  The reason I chose to touch on those three subjects is because each one has a domino effect into many other issues in American society which in turn is reflective of our government and political system. I understand that the issues I touched on were vast complicated problems that aren’t easily fixed overnight. With that being said, with all the progression and advances made in history and within The United States, those issues feel workable, and one day achievable.  When it comes to my personal preference of Republican Ideals vs. Democratic Ideals, I always have felt each one did not incorporate or represent enough of the staple to pick one definitively over the other.  Overall, the Republican Party as a whole makes me feel a little bit safer and the Democratic standards and plans feel more cohesive and hopeful.  Ironically, the party I attribute to safety does not follow through with enough stability and the parties I associate with great plans for our country do not seem to follow through enough.  The first time I voted for a Democratic candidate was in the last election. Above all, after this class and continual education towards politics and government I hope to gain a better understanding of the subject as a whole. I want to not only feel I have the right to vote, but also have the inner understanding that I didn’t take the privilege for granted either.

Check Yes Or No: "Ok….so is that yes or no?"

Why Do Guys Avoid Simple Answers to Questions? 

Guys sometimes chose to not answer your question properly. As you might already know, this can lead to a lot of annoyance and confusion. The only excuse a guy has for not answering a simple question is if your situation is similar what happened to Cher with Christian below. Besides THAT there is no excuse why you cant get your question answered; and I am going to teach you how to do it.

tumblr_ld3jg7OXSA1qb1oe2o1_5001Okay, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  You know the whole time, as women: we have always tried to meet this mysterious standard at the beginning of relationships.  We wouldn’t dare ask too many personal, uncomfortable, she or inappropriate questions, such as,” so do you want to date me and nobody else?” Oh no that would be way too embarrassing.  We also don’t want to push guys away or scare them: but when you think about it shouldn’t guys protect us from being scared and try not to push us into something were not comfortable with? Don’t worry, this post isn’t going to be about how you should be her own “woman,” in a way that reflects being or saying too much, too fast.  The point of this post is to point out some very important secrets about men and what they say.  More times than not when the whole,” so… Where are we going from here?” -question comes up, you get an answer from the guy that looks very similar to this:

SIX Typical answers for the question: “So where are we going?”

    1. ”oh well I’m having a good time, and I like you.  So I was see how things are going to go because I don’t really want to move too fast into a relationship.  I mean if I were to get in a relationship with anybody would be you.  But I had a really hard time with my ex and still really hurt by it.  Even though I don’t like her anymore.  I mean… You’re nothing like my ex though.”
    2. ” Come on you know I care about you.”
    3. ” I mean, I still want to kick it like we have been but I’m not talking about anything SERIOUS like moving in or anything or getting together just just yet. We’ll just see how things go.”
    4. “I like hanging out with you, you’re fun to be around… I mean your really good friend. If I could make the perfect girl let everything that I wanted .  She would be just like you but I don’t want to ruin our three month friendship. I mean, anything can happen.  I know we can both date whoever we want.  So we’ll see what happens.”
    5. ”Hey, I got a go will talk about this later.”
    6. “If you don’t know already how I feel about you.  I can’t help you there.  It hurts my feelings and makes me upset that you would actually question what we are and what were doing.”
    7. Sadly, All six of those typical answers mean the same thing: “I like you and I think your hot.I want to have a get out of jail free card all the time. Since I now that you probably feel some pressure to Make yourself into The kind of woman that I would want to be with,I will let do t but it really has nothing to do with being with you. Also I know which asked me And I didn’t answer you because the answer sounds like something you might not  like enough to find another guy and I don’t want that either. I WANT YOU TO BE AROUND ME AND NOT BE WITH ANYONE ELSE. This way if I do decide to cheat or not call one day you can’t justify leaving me over it because, “we are not to-getherrrr.” In number five, “Later,” will never happen. And in number six he is trying to somehow blame you for asking this question somehow so he doesn’t have to answer, or so you will think before you dare and ask a normal question again.

7.  The Holy Grail of Questions.

Here is the answer to your prayers about normal questions and how to get the real answers from men.Do not explain yourself!! Sometimes We ask the guy question he will give us this look that entices us to feel the need to explain how we feel about the situation.Really, That the trick.The reason he’s trying to get you to begin to explains so we can begin to act annoyed or begin to switchThe conversation  topic by taking  little bits  pieces Of your explanation And try to spin it all together in a big mess so you will become more confused. Plus,When you explain things to  him you usually crumble emotionally under the pressure and negate the strong attitude you initially brought into the conversation. About this time you given him the perfect reason to make an exit.He’s already basically told you he hates when you get emotional about things he doesn’t want to talk about so him enabling you to get the point to where your emotional he gives him the reason to say he doesn’t want to talk about it. Plus, he arty knows how you feel of where you’re coming from. He knows he’s wrong he just doesn’t want to appear knowledgeable in the fact that he knows Why any human being would be concerned in the way that you are. The bottom line is don’t explain to him what he already knows.Which you want to do is put it in a tight little package (Your question)
    Mark says, “I don’t know.”
    Stacy says, (in a way that thinks he’s being ridiculous and that of course he knows the answer mixed with almost laughter)  “you’re a smart guy Mark. You can’t fool me into thinking you can say yes or no. So we don’t turn this into a big dramatic episode or make this into a huge emotional deal just let me know what you decide to tell me the answer.

The short version of Stacy last reply above: “what you decided if the answer is yes or no , give me a call me.”

Usually if this is been a relationship issue for a long time or you guys are still the place where everybody’s pretending to be friends, then the guys probably going to decide that you need to be punished with a timeout. Your timeout consists of not calling for three days to try and convince you that what you did,” asking him a normal question in a drama free format,” will have consequences. The reason the guy waits about three days is because you have to go through certain stages he knows that will entice you to do what he wants. The first day he doesn’t call your try to convince yourself that this is still his fault and pretend you: care that he did call. The second day you’re mad at emotional. And the third day you want to speak to your man so bad that when he calls you be so excited to hear from him the last thing in the world you would do is bring up his lack of calling or the dreaded question. So three days later rolls around in your man leaves you a text message or gives you a call. In any format of communication he executes, not of his words will reflect on the fact that anything happened. He leaves you to make the decision whether you want to extend your punishment or come out of timeout. He does this by setting the pace for the conversation surrounded completely by denial and his favorite,” pretending nothing happened.”

Example of How to React after your, “Time-Out.”

Mark makes contact: “hey what’s up did you hear about what happened to Scotty yesterday?”
               Stacy responds:       “no I haven’t but before you tell me about that you answer my question real quick?”          
             Mark tries to recover: “well Scotty one $2000 playing poker.”
              Stacy responds:
“cool (repeat initial question) … Yes or No?
            Mark: “look I don’t know all right!”

           Stacy:  ‘Ok then call me when you figure out ok?  Bye,  I’ll talk to you later.” (nice calm voice similar to one you use on the phone with pizza delivery service) CLICK! hang up right after you say it!!
Don’t wait for the pause were to see how you can react you have to hang up then because if you don’t then you’re considered, “ rude.” in retrospect you should be rude but the point is you don’t want him talking about that later “well I didn’t answer you because you were being rude.”
8.  if you know I’m right but still have the balls to go through with any of this – if you know this guy is a loser and will definitely  freak out  if he has to leave  his comfy foundation of pure denial,  and you don’t have the balls  to do this if it results in him not calling  for a few days  then at least  incorporate  the yes or no format whenever you can.  when you talk to him  and ask him a normal questions even when it doesn’t have to do with the relationship just put in a yes or no.  if he says that  when you do that it’s weird,  say why but really forgetful  overall lately  so what drives on the point  plus it’s no big deal.  Whenever you’re ready  to pull the trigger  and go through with the repetition technique  and the drama free check yes or no  you’ll have a since of practice.
9.  The only way the yes or no format won’t work –  if you’re still  weighting  for your boyfriend  to be blessed  by the  relationship version  of Santa Claus  into  realizing his faults  or  finally  coming to grips with what he’s done to you  to seek a way out  or to make things better .
The reason I’m so sure that this will not happen in the future is because it already has!!!
he already knows what he’s doing wrong,  he already knows this is hurting you, and most importantly he knows exactly how to make things better. surprisingly, he probably knows even better than yourself and implementing these things probably wouldn’t really hurt them are bothering too much. the reason he is not doing these things is because being in control of the situation and breaking you down into a version of yourself that is beatable no pun intended always leave some on top. there’s no way he would want to be in this situation your in and be confused and upset all the time. the cowardice about this is the disregard for your feelings and honesty in order for him to feel pretty good all the time. that’s why a lot of the guys out there who are with a woman who turns a submissive and always at the guys beckon call finds that her boyfriend accuses her of cheating a lot. he could have her ( I’m kidding of course ) locked in the basement with a football player standup cut out and swears she’s cheating with the cardboard . besides the obvious notion in understanding that people often assume others are cheating if they are cheating is the fact that there make it up because they have nothing else to go on. they can say you’re rude because they can explain it they can’t say you’re damaging the relationship because they don’t have any evidence of the damage from you, they can’t say you don’t love them because they can’t examples of that, they can’t tell you the truth because that’s what you want, so making something up saying it enough to believe it

yourself is the option taken.

10. We covered this in Kindergarten: The first way we learned the proper way to answer a question the easiest was circling the word yes or no. Usually, at that point we couldn’t read it yet, but were just trying to remember by the site of the word. There is nothing more simple than check yes or no.

“What is more drama free then, YES OR NO?”

Daily Deal at!

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How to make him call in 10 ways!

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      How to make him call in 10 ways! corrected
Drunk Texting

I know that the title of this post sounds pathetic, but we have all been there. We know we should have nothing to do with this guy and yet we still are sitting by the phone or checking your voice mail hoping, waiting, and dying to hear from this loser. Even though I probably shouldn’t, here are 10 real ways to bump up the likelihood he’ll call about 5 to 10%. If you think that’s not much been your right, but it beats the shit out of nothing!

1. De stress – I’m not going to suggest walking in the park or taking a nice warm bath. Right now you’re constantly thinking about this guy, and at the same time telling yourself not to think about him. When you have those two thoughts counteracting each other in your head at the same time that can be very stressful. Instead of telling yourself to not think about this guy (which doesn’t work anyway), go ahead and think about him if you want. At this point if you keep thinking about the guy nothing will happen except having to tell yourself not to. Plus, trying to convince your mind of something it naturally wants to do usually wont benefit. Those who believe in energy or want negative energy out of the situation need to do this. Unnecessary stress is said to create toxic energy. And we all know you have enough toxic energy by being involved with that guy in first place.

2. Stay busy – I know what you’re thinking. You are already our busy. You’re right, we are all busy but the  point of this is not to start an arts and crafts class or take up learning how to use a bow and arrow. Whenever you find yourself not doing anything just do something instead. Jumping jacks, writing the ABC’s in sidewalk chalk, I don’t care just stay busy. This isn’t for the sole purpose of taking your mind off him, its just to create energy that is at-least physcially occupied elsewhere. As long as you don’t  read some weird suggestions about using candles and feathers in Cosmopolitan magazine; I don’t care what you do to stay busy. Below sort of explains the “staying busy,” thing on a wider scale but the scenario is not based on what you think.

  • Have you ever had someone not involved with call you over and over and you ignore them the whole time? This person could be a telemarketer, Bill collector your mother whoever…. The point is when they stop calling your mind starts to wander why they’re not. You don’t care or want them to call you were just recognizing that they don’t cares much anymore. Staying busy is way more successful in leading this guy know you might not care anymore versus sitting at home and checking the dial tone or your cell phone service level.
3. Love your friends, love that they care, but leave  their words and voices out of your mind while going over your mental list of pros and cons about this guy. Most of our friends who us give  advice care and they think the guy we are with is treating us badly so they are just trying to help. With that being said they are either currently dealing with the same situation, had dealt with the same situation, or will week or so. Whenever your listing the many pros and cons of the guy that you’re with if you hear something one of your friends said  then you have to erase it from your mind. It’s not that what they said isn’t true or valid it’s the point that you want this situation to be fully yours and fully decided by you. Even having the presence of their thoughts in your mind while making a decision isn’t healthy and doesn’t help. Take what they say with a grain of salt (whatever that means)  and be happy that you can come to them if you need anyone to talk to. After you read this don’t tell them that you are now going to start blocking what they say from your mind because that’s just rude and just sounds crazy.
4. Ice cream thing is made up – women have always been showcased on television, books, and movies to wash their sorrows with a big tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. I have a good feeling that the talented marketing team over at Ben & Jerry’s ice cream might have had something to do with this. I’m just saying, don’t eat ice cream if you don’t want freaking ice cream! If you were going to eat ice cream anyway go ahead go. But if you decided to do this by observing Carrie Bradshaw eating ice cream over a breakup in Sex & The City, see who looks skinnier afterwards; you or Carrie.  Plus,when ever we are going through a relationship seesaw with a loser, the last thing were going to want is to feel is fat. Now let me repeat – if you were going to eat ice cream ANYWAY it’s okay, I am just suggesting to not begin to associate, or incorporate, the use of twenty extra fat grams like a cigarette.
5. Call him if you want – I know this sounds crazy but if you are sitting there worrying and debating whether or not to text him something you need to realize it doesn’t matter what you text. Anything you text this guy whether be a curse word instructions for a cookie recipe, inquiring about his mother or even pathetically a blank text it is still going to sound, feel and give this guy –” she still cares less I have to do.”
  • With that being said, when you call and don’t leave a voice-mail he can guess what you wanted to talk about. But, he has no clue. He could assume all he wants that you were going to say this or that, but he truly; just doesn’t know. When you text, even if it’s nonchalant your tone can’t be hidden. If you talk to the guy in three days and sent him a text asking, “How’s everything going? Did you do well on that test or that work thing?” He’s going to know you’re really screaming inside and really saying, “Please take this as a sign for you to get your thumb out of your ass and call me! Please give me some validation that you still like me so I can’t stop having a breakdown on my off day!”  
6. Don’t listen to too much Alannis Morrisette, the foo fighters or especially UT – Alannis Morisette is a bad bitch, in a good way. A lot of us might think we have the balls Alannis had in that album. You just don’t want to risk it. Doing some of those things she suggested in  her songs or letting that buzz of crazy energy go with you to the supermarket is not a good idea. Don’t listen to the foo fighters because you’ll end up yelling at the lead singer asking him why then he does this or that. You don’t believe me? Try it. Don’t listen to you to U2 because you’re lying to yourself that you feel better and that you can conquer the world and save all the kids and whatever. It’s not exactly pleasant to come off a high in which you created by listening to music. Its much like a bad version of a sugar or caffeine high come down.  Stability is better even in pain, then coming down off the realization that you just tried to relate your life to a U2 song and failed. Turn on some Britney and you can never go wrong. 
7. This might feel like the flu but you don’t have a temperature –during this time because you’re under so much stress so in order to relax and not be a walking hot mess-get your work done. Do your homework, work assignments, business proposals, or whatever your day gig entails as early as you can. Of course take your time to do your work right but the point is that the last thing you need during this time is deadlines due to procrastination which only points to the situation with him which = extra stress and feeling like a loser yourself. If you want to yell, cry, and even eat the ice cream, at least get your freaking work done first! If you get it out-of-the-way first it is always always better during this situation. If your procrastinate then you find yourself thinking about how your whole life is in shambles when really you just didn’t do your work and Mr. Shit for Brains is adding to the problem.
8. Don’t change phone numbers – don’t change your phone number. Don’t erase his phone number, and dont erase his name from your phone.  Don’t erase his address! Don’t erase anything!

Tattos are only ok to erase, but even in that case  I would wait until you feel a little better. “Hmmm…I feel like shit today from a break up so since I am moving on I think I’ll go pay a ton of money to have a laser burn my skin today.” Do it later when you can drink and it not result in crying karoke at 2pm on Tuesday.

THE REASON FOR NO CHANGING OF THE NUMBERS: Don’t make some way to bar yourself from contacting him as well. Your mind is stubborn like you and does not like being told what to do. That is why we always end up caving. Not only that, if you really really needed this guys number you could get it if you wanted to. This means if you cave you have to embarrass yourself asking for the guys number from other people. LOSER!. When we try to connect with our mind telling it to do something can do it naturally wants to do the opposite. Plus he knows why you change your phone number erased his! Changing it back which people do a lot makes you look like an idiot. Don’t care if you look like an idiot, you just don’t want to feel like an idiot to yourself. Keep the numbers the same, if you’re dying to call do so without a text.

9. If you know you’re going to call at some point call him during the day –if you’re having a good day and not thinking about them too much then you need to evaluate your nights! Example: You had a great Friday and are going out to the bar with your friends that night-if you know your going to call after a few drinks just call first and have him not answer during the day before you go out! Its better than doing it in the bathroom and hearing his voice mail.   Yes, it does sound crazy but which would you rather do? Call him sober or three hours later when you’re on the fifth call texting him to come over simultaneously? If you get drunk chances are you’re probably going to call anyway so you might as well let one of those calls be sober.Also the next day you need to chill out with the paranoia.You calling wasn’t the last straw that changed his mind forever. He wasn’t thinking,” wow if she just would not have called me last night so many times I would totally get back with her.”

Did you ruin your chances? NO.
Does he think your obsessed? YES and if not he is a guy so he will tell himself that because of ego.
Does he think your a weird, bad person because you called? NO.
Will he tell everyone? NO. Unless he is a drama queen in which case he might not be into your kind and keeping a secret in his closet.

Most of all…There is nothing you can do to go back. Do not care what other people think. These people have done the same thing or will. Plus, who are these people you worry about? If its your friends then there losers anyway so ditch them if they call you out or make you feel stupid. Do these people you worry about put money into your IRA or savings account or have magical powers to give you instant weight loss and botox? NO!

Go check out some comfort items that do not include ice cream here:

image by deviant art artist
10. If your gonna cry go home – let’s say you go out at 7:00 PM, three hours later you’re out with your girlfriends and they are talking to a group of ugly guys. Since there is no guy around worth even listening to your breakup story-while you constantly say, “sorry I didn’t mean to tell this to someone I don’t even know,” you find yourself alone. Alone oh no! Go home. Dont get the tears coming down the Aerosmith playing in your mind.  Before you do anything crazy or start walking-(I dont why we do this) get a taxi, get a ride, and go home. You should never be embarrassed to cry or let out your emotions. The reason I’m suggesting you go home is because nothing is worse than having mascara all over your face. Water or a little Bacardi licked tissue doesn’t work. No matter how beautiful you are black sneering makeup on an upset girls face still makes her look like shit. Also, don’t let your friends fix your makeup when they are drunk as well. They will just lie and tell you look great so they can stay with the ugly guys and not have to worry about your ride home. You could wash off your makeup and start over but that usually comes out looking like-shitty pastel clown makeup.
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