Real Ways to Earn Money The Only Database for Earning Money Online In 2012

  1. Real Ways to Earn Money Online.

    “For Anyone Who Want’s To Work From Home, Or Anyone Who Loves 
    Reading & Learning About Business As A Whole Has A Lot To Gain From This Blog: For Online Work of Any Kind In 2012; there is no where else to look but HERE..“
    Kelly, writer of Kelly Speechless.

    Email Details:

    TO: To the writer and owner of where I read the this link: Answering Questions – Paid Experts

    ABOUT: The Format for this message is based on freely speaking tone without professional voice in order to be as real with you as you are to your readers.

    Anna the author of the blog:Real Ways to Earn Money Online and, Extra Cash and Rewards is someone who deserves a little more than the email below so I decided to post it up on my blog in the hopes that others will check out her blog and find it a key portal point bookmark, for business arenas in every facet.

    September 20, 2012, My email to the writer of the blog,

    Dear Anna,

    As a business enthusiast and lover of all things “making money,” I learned a lot from your site even though working at home is more of an extra optional gig. Thanks for being such an inspiration among business women who provide high quality with their claim to do so. Business and evolving the mind to encompass more capacity to learn comes in many forms and this is one that got my attention.

    Overall…I Just wanted to send you my very sincere thanks and appreciation for having such an extended database of home option’s for people. People working outside the home and those who already work at home need an extensive database and you provide one. There are scours of searches for a website such as yours that have options detailed in a database with a separate site for work at home JOB’s and EARNING EXTRA MONEY. The job listings and options for earning in your free time or down time come with concrete reviews. You care and most of all offer people a chance to have one of these positions which could lead to a career that they never thought possible. (I am sure this has happened from viewing your work and website).

    I am currently in, “Looking for other opportunities like crazy mode due to honestly, a gut feeling and obsession with making money. I also love to see what is out there in the business world especially the internet. I have been doing this search/read/seize/forum/ exploration of all things money and online for year. Just recently I began focusing my research on work at home positions pushing that as the main objective.

    In the past six months of doing this there is not one better option or guide than your blog hands down. If you were ever worried about paying it forward, I am here to tell you that your time is up and you paid it a long time ago. I am putting you on my list of inspiring women for a blog post coming up here: Kelly Speechless if you want to look out for it or I will email you the link when it’s done.

    This is my personal blog and is not reflective of work or serious areas just something that has turned into a place that people like to go to without a motive. Thanks again, and I would love to keep this connection and pass information applicable to each other in the future if the situation comes up. It’s always inspiring to see a woman who is smart and most of all has a plethora of good information to back up her obvious intelligence. As a 27-year-old female I can say I have learned more about business as a whole without even directly thinking “work at home,” than I have in a while. This information shows us a lot about the industry of online well..consumer driven life. I also like how you chose your reviews to be worthy of one, but hold your tongue when you feel someone else might love or benefit from something that you think isn’t for you.

    You send a good message to other women by doing this: You indicate that some companies or your longevity with them, should depend of what they do for you. You give people here the option to do trial and error quickly to see what fits for them.


    This didn’t mean to be a life story/essay/a narrative lol.. Also, after reading this message you aren’t weird-ed out in any way or think My continued thanks to your presence online as a women who knows her shit. Excuse the language but my there is not better sounding way that says it.

    Thanks again,




    Related articles: The Link’s Below Don’t Compare To The Database included within:

    Here are some articles below to compare to to see the HUGE difference in information available. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND COMMENT.


This Need’s To Be Included In a Business Success Book Geared Towards Women.

LinkedIn Comment I left when prompted about about what women need to have in a book about women and business.


Image representing LinkedIn as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase


 A Need To Know Basis: Outfit Optional.


These topics below might not relate to your objective but from a personal standpoint I find these areas so overlooked and important. Thanks. You might see a typo or two because I had to do this in a hurry but wanted to make sure I posted it.


Personal finance, the stock market, and politics mixed with current events are in need of a quickie or full education.


If any women feels not knowledgeable enough to answer a trivia question (example: shows in which a microphone appears in a women s face and when she asked who the president is or any other question that should be obvious-she doesn’t have the answer or knows only what the answer rhymes with).


I will explain: Even though you might consider your financial status one not in need of a full financial plan or an understanding of all things, “personal finance,” you are making a big mistake by overlooking this topic. There are so many women out there who don’t know about money-and these women are a lot of the time – smart women, educated women, women who study business-anyone can make this mistake.


I was the poster child for thinking I didn’t need to know these things because they didn’t effect me or effect me yet. I also felt that since I was educated and well versed on many other things I kind of did my share of being, “well informed,” in some way that made me sleep well not knowing what was going on in the world or in the banks I put my money into. At 23 I nipped this in the bud and now at 27, it’s scary to think I was living without so many options, and making so many mistakes just by not thinking I needed to know about these topics.


The stock market-Even if you are never going to invest a dime in your life, or hate the stock market-you need to have an understanding of the market, and have a good understanding of your options if you were to invest. I was guilty at 22 when I realized that I always ignored the CNN channel if stocks were discussed (a lot CNN). I asked myself why, and I felt that the subject just bored me. WRONG. I thought again. I didn’t want to watch or stay updated on the stock market because I didn’t feel as a woman I needed to know that area. The Iphany led me to reading a lot of books, making an elective course swap, and the results were staggering. Just ignoring the stock market had let me out of the loop on so many things not, “stock quote,” related.


Politics and Current Events: As we might have discovered about this upcoming election there might be some voters who are enticed to flip a coin for their vote. Knowing what is going on with politics and our world is vital even if you never pick status of political standing. It’s not about knowing to participate (even though of course  we should) it’s about understanding the world around us and having more confidence.


Overall, it’s ok to want to look good, watch junk on TV, or exude any other activity that doesn’t say, “smart and savvy.” AS LONG AS YOUR WALKING AROUND WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF CATEGORIES LIKE I MENTIONED ABOVE. You don’t have to execute a decision based on your knowledge of: finance, the stock market, current events, or politics=but it’s so important to know about these things.


Lastly, I am still learning and don’t have a stock investment success story, a new supporter of BLANK party story, or a story about how if I didn’t know about current events that day I would have died story. I am a work in progress, who happens to feel so much more confidence, and benefit everyday from having a good understanding of the issues above.


Again, was in a hurry sorry for any typos if there are any.


(this information above was written for the purpose of the person who posed the question to use or interpret my written material. Rights Reserved won’t reflect her use or any other members of LinkedIn and the group where this was posted with the same copyright. IN OTHER WORD’S-The text above is not under my copyrighted indication and free to use for LinkedIn members).





BEBE: A Backstage Pass For Instant Social Acceptance.

Before I Could Drive To The Mall….

The mall had a lot of interesting choices for the 13 to 15-year-old in my case: A group of five wanna be Cher Horwitz girls who took wardrobe hints from Jenny Mcarthy on, MTV’s show Singled Out. Lucky for our parents my friends and I were just busted enough at the time to be in the safe area when it came to public perception. 

Below Is My Cedar Storage Closet For All The Clothing Items I Sell On Ebay. This shirt is going in 8 hours so hurry and bid! 

 Current Time: July 7, 2012 6:24 p.m. 

Anyway, shopping was of course the center of these mall trips (or were supposed to be) so we usually narrowed our seven favorite stores down to a science and only went to those stores. 
BEBE was one of the seven stores we went to during our social mall trips. We also went back about an average of 3 1/2 times before finally accepting that we could not buy what we wanted. 

Back then, our parents (even the loaded ones) couldn’t understand paying $44 for a T-shirt with four letters on it. It took some convincing back in the day to get a BEBE shirt. It made more sense to get a $70 white shirt from Banana Republic than a tight hot pink tee that says, BEBE on the chest.  After a while all of my five mall shopping counterparts owned about the same amount (a couple) of BEBE logo t-shirts. 
How BEBE keeps us addicted.
BEBE isn’t just the brand for the chick who can spend more money, or for the chick that can’t afford Prada. Wearing BEBE also contains some social acceptance button that starts you off as a, “acceptable,” before foregoing usual public judgement. 

BEBE also makes very precise decisions and product placement, and number of items to release and resurface into some art form nobody else feels is possible to copy.